Wednesday, February 29, 2012

120 Million-Year-Old 'Ghost Dragon' Pterosaur Discovered in China | Wired Science |

120 Million-Year-Old 'Ghost Dragon' Pterosaur Discovered in China | Wired Science |

"Knee Song," Anne Sexton

Being kissed on the back  
of the knee is a moth  
at the windowscreen and  
yes my darling a dot  
on the fathometer is  
tinkerbelle with her cough  
and twice I will give up my  
honor and stars will stick  
like tacks in the night  
yes oh yes yes yes two  
little snails at the back  
of the knee building bon-  
fires something like eye-  
lashes something two zippos  
striking yes yes yes small  
and me maker. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

NEW Jenny Owen Youngs (and Kurt Vonnegut)

From this REVIEW:

"The title of the record alludes to a line Kurt Vonnegut wrote in Breakfast of Champions: 'But the sacred part of him, his awareness, remained an unwavering band of light.' JOY exhibits this idea in her record, demonstrating beauty, tragedy, and glee in this phenomenal offering."

Sunday, February 12, 2012

"The Flowers of Guatemala"

A good friend, Anthony Cody, is visiting Guatemala and he sent me this picture:

I always think of one of my favorite songs ever by R.E.M. when I think of Guatemala:   

Lifes Rich Pageant

I took a picture that I'll have to send
People here are friendly and content
People here are colorful and bright
The flowers often bloom at night

Amanita is the name
The flowers cover everything
The flowers cover everything

There's something here I find hard to ignore
There's something that I've never seen before
Amanita is the name they cover over everything

The flowers cover everything
They cover over everything (Amanita is the name)
The flowers cover everything

Don't look into the sun
Don't look into the sun

There's something that I've never seen before
The flowers often bloom at night
Amanita is the name they cover over everything